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On Friday, January 11, the 9th annual Oplbery Club awarded the coveted OPLbery Medal to Front Desk, by Kelly Yang. They also gave OPLbery Honors to two books: The Doughnut Fix, by Jessie Janowitz, and The Parker Inheritance, by Varian Johnson.

The OPLbery Club is a mock Newbery Club made up of kids in 4th grade and above. They’ve been meeting monthly since May 2018, and collectively they’ve read almost 30 books. Six books made it to the final shortlist:

There was a lot of heated discussion, and the voting was close. All six book had their fans. Here are some comments from OPLbery Club members:

The Night Diary:

The Doughnut Fix:

The Parker Inheritance

You Go First

Amal Unbound

Front Desk

The American Library Association will be announcing the winners of the Newbery and other awards for the best in literature for children published in 2018 on January 28th. Check back with us to see all the winners.

Get more information about the OPLbery Club

Get more information about Youth Media Awards