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About the Board of Trustees

for the Ossining Public Library

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Althema Goodson

Secretary - 2nd Term, Expires 2025

Althema Goodson is a lifelong resident of the Village of Ossining, New York. She is a proud product of the Ossining School District. Althema values community and the importance of public services, such as a Public Library, and its impact on everyone as a whole in our community because of its impact on her life and development.

Growing up in Ossining, OPL was a second home to Althema, where she was able to learn how to take full advantage of all the opportunities the library had to offer. As a child, a teenager, a student, OPL became a great asset to her.

Now as a local professional with an Associate’s Degree in Marketing, a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Business Administration and a Master’s Degree in Organizational Leadership it only seems right to give back to the place that gave her so much. She would like to pay it forward and assist in providing the same opportunities for all in our community, especially our youth. She is ready & capable to bring her talents and creativity to the library patrons.

Althema has been a leader and served our communities for years. She is an appointed member of the Ossining Landlord & Tenants Relations Council Charter, Member and Board of Directors of the Greater Ossining Kiwanis Club and Home Run Against Drugs. 

Althema knows education and opportunities are imperative to our society and currently in the Village of Ossining now more than ever. “A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste,” is not just a cliché slogan it’s a true statement and something we should aspire to ensure doesn’t happen in our community. A Library is a necessity to both educational and community excellence. Her goal is to assist in continuing and creating a space for all to thrive.

Board of Trustees 2025 Candidates

The Ossining Public Library is governed by seven trustees, who are elected by the Ossining community to serve three-year terms.

The Ossining Public Library Board of Trustees has scheduled its Budget Vote and Trustee Election to be held on Tuesday, May 20, 2025, from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. in the Ossining High School gymnasium.

This year three seats become available for a term of three (3) years each beginning on July 1, 2025 and ending on June 30, 2028.

Petition packets for Board of Trustee candidates will be available starting on March 12, 2025. Interested candidates may obtain a petition packet from the Director of the Library, Business Office, 53 Croton Avenue, during our regular hours which are: Monday 9-9 PM, Tuesday 10-6 PM, Wednesday 1-9 PM, Thursday 9-9 PM, Friday 10-6 PM, Saturday 9-5 PM, Sunday 1-5 PM. If the Business Office is closed, please ask at the Adult Services Desk on the 2nd floor.

The last day for filing petitions with the School District Clerk is 5:00 p.m., Monday, April 21, 2025.

For information about the duties and responsibilities of a member of the Library Board of Trustees please go to About Being a Trustee 

For more information about the Library and the current Board of Trustees please go to

For information regarding the Election please go to Voter Information page on the OUFSD website.

For further information please contact:
Karen LaRocca-Fels, Director
Ossining Public Library
(914) 941-2416, ext. 333

Our Trustees

The Ossining Public Library is governed by seven trustees, who are elected by the Ossining community to serve three-year terms.

About our Board of Trustees