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On Our Shelves

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At the library you can books on three different floors!

On the First Floor you can find:
-Speed Reads (new books available for 1 week checkout) near the Front Desk
-New books near the Front Desk
-Large print materials in the Cheever Room
-Children’s books in the Children’s Room

On the Second Floor you can find:

-Spanish language books and a small collection of books in other languages on the shelves near the Reference Desk.
-Young Adult (YA) and adult nonfiction books, biographies, graphic novels and local history material
-Young Adult (YA) YA fiction in the Teen Room

On the Mezzanine you can find:
-Adult fiction arranged by the last name of the author

Want to read on your e-reader or other personal device? Head over to our digital library to find some e-books.