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Results from Mr. Kevin’s Summer Programs

Aug 21, 2018 | Children's Room

This year’s Discover Your World program has ended, and a new Ossining Geography Champion was crowned. Jorge Tuba took home the trophy, and he definitely earned it. Jorge has come to the program since it started three years ago, competing in all four seasons. He won three of the weekly competitions this time but was never able to take home the grand prize until now. In order to win the prize, he had to answer nine questions correctly, including his final question: “What continent, other than Antarctica, has the smallest population?” As Jorge is entering 7th grade this fall, it was the last year he was eligible to participate, making the victory even sweeter.

Discover Your World is the Ossining Public Library’s Children’s Geography program. The participants learn about the world, eat snacks from other countries, and compete in weekly geography bees to test their knowledge.

Game Workshop participants spent six weeks working hard and succeeding in our goal of creating an original board game from scratch. The game the children created is called “Adventure Power Run.” In this game, you play an adventurer racing to get to the castle. Each adventurer has their own power that gives them strengths and weaknesses. Along the way, you will find magic to help you and obstacles to overcome. Would you like to play? Come to our Family Game Nights starting this fall to give it a try!

The Ossining Public Library had our second Roblox Tournament this summer! Twenty-eight kids competed in Speed Run 4, Epic Mini Games, and Flood Escape 2.

Estibe Sumba was our champion! Our top 3 players all won gift cards, but only Estibe has bragging rights. We hope to do more Roblox tournaments in the future, but if you want to win you need to make sure you’ve got game.

Mystery Night was a blast! This year’s case was “Mona is Missing,” in which a thief had taken the famous Mona Lisa painting right out of our library!.

The detectives had nine deceptive suspects to interview and many more lies to dig through.

In the end, one group of kids was able to solve the case and received detective kits for their hard work.