How can I participate at home?
If you can’t make it into the library, you can still participate in our 1,000 Books Project from home. We’ve put all of our worksheets on our website, so whether your children are looking for their next sheet to log on or you’re signing up for the first time, you can print our sheets and log all of the books you’ve been reading while you’re at home. You can bring your completed sheets to the Children’s Room, or take a photo and email them to us, when you can and we’ll update your child’s record and give credit for all the reading they’ve been doing. If you haven’t signed up yet, you can register your child by filling out the registration sheet and either returning it to us in the Children’s Room or emailing a photo to oplkids@ossininglibrary.org.
1,000 Books Project Registration: English
1,000 Books Project Registration: Spanish
Printable 1,000 Books Project Sheets
See below for more information about the 1,000 Books Project.

What is the 1,000 Books Project?
The 1,000 Books Project is a fun and easy way to establish strong early literacy skills. Early literacy is what children know about reading and writing before they actually learn to read and write. Reading with your little ones every day and teaching them about the world around them are practices that help prepare children to learn to read later on. You can start at birth!
If you read just one book a night, you will have read about 365 books in a year. That is 730 books in two years and 1,095 books in three years.
The 1,000 Books Project is sponsored by the Ossining Public Library, the Ossining School District, and the Ossining Staff Development Center.

How can I sign my child up?
You can sign up for the 1,000 Books Project anytime in the Children’s Room. Simply tell one of the librarians that you’d like to sign up your child. We’ll register your child, and they will get a folder and their first sheet to record how many books you’ve read.

How does it work?
It’s easy. You will receive a sheet with 50 book images on it. The first sheet is numbered 1-50, the second 51-100, and so on. When you read a book to your child, color in one of the pictures on your sheet. You can read any book you like. You can read the same book over and over, or you can read different books, or both. You can count books your child has read to them at school, in storytime, etc.
When all the books are colored in, you have read 50 books! Bring the completed sheet to the Children’s Room. We’ll stamp the sheet, return it to you, and give you the next one. That’s it.
Once you’ve completed all 20 sheets, you’ve read 1,000 books!
What happens when we've read 1,000 books?
When your child has completed all 20 pages and read 1,000 books, they will get a certificate. We’ll take a picture of your child with the certificate, and this goes on our WALL OF FAME. You can see the Wall of Fame in the Children’s Room.
We will also notify the Ossining School District and the Ossining Staff Development Center, which will honor your child at an Ossining School District board meeting.