Today's Hours: 10am-6pm Menu

Tech for Teens

Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math

You may have seen any of the following acronyms thrown around, but do you know what they mean?

STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math

STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math

STREAM stands for Science, Technology, Research, Engineering, Art and Math

Coding Resources:

Hour of Code

Code Academy

CS First



STEM & STEAM Activities You Can Do or Watch From Home

Scratch Programming

Physics Lab Simulations

50+ Genius STEM Activities

30+ Engineering Challenges To Do At Home

STEM Activities with Pencils

Science Ice Cream

Make a Flying Cup

Make Your Own Slime

Create Your Own Comic

Groove Pizza

Beep Box


The History Of Computers, Programming, and Coding

Screen Time: How Much is Too Much?

Technology Needs Women

The Codebreaker

Science and Technology Livestreams