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Teen Volunteers @ OPL

Become a Teen Volunteer at The Ossining Public Library

Volunteer at OPL


How To Become a Teen Volunteer

Volunteer Guidelines and Activities


A Volunteer must be between the ages of 12 and 19 to apply, qualify and gain community service hours as a volunteer at OPL.

Contact with Teen Services Staff
All communication about volunteering at OPL will be conducted through email so be sure to check your email frequently for updates, volunteer hour opportunities (like helping at programs or writing Book Reviews for our New Books), and shift assignments! If you change your email let us know.

In Case of Emergency

In case of sickness or an emergency a Volunteer must contact Teen Services staff if they were expected and can’t make it by calling 914-941-2416 ext. 336.


Being late for volunteer hours is not acceptable. Being a Volunteer means people are depending on you. Please be here on time or call 914-941-2416 ext. 336  if you anticipate being late or are unable to attend.


Please dress appropriately for a public library. Shorts are okay but please do not wear swimsuits, bare bellies, bare feet, hats, or anything that would be inappropriate for school. Keep in mind that the library has a fluctuating air conditioning and heating unit so you may want to bring extra layers of clothing in case of extreme temperature differences.

Volunteer Duties

Volunteering at OPL is scheduled in advance only, no drop-in volunteering please. A Volunteer may have a range of responsibilities and tasks that he or she will be assigned that may include: helping with events (advance preparation, setting up, breaking down) edging books, shelf reading, homework help,  helping children with computers and much more. A Volunteer is not responsible for helping patrons find books, answering questions, or doing clerical or page duties done by paid professionals.

Keeping Track of Volunteer Time

A Volunteer is responsible for keeping track of all service hours and dates completed on their time sheet in the designated Volunteer binder. When a volunteer completes their required hours it is their responsibility to inform the Supervisor whether they are finished volunteering or want to continue.

Mobile Devices

Please NO use of cell phones (even texting)  or other personal or electronic devices during volunteering unless you ask and are given permission in advance.

Ask For Help

Library staff is here to help you! If you have questions ASK! (We don’t bite).